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Kelly Weichsel-Arya, RN is a Plant-Based Nurse Educator who found out very early on in her career what great lifestyle and nutrition education can do for the total transformation of a client’s poor health to total wellness.
After obtaining her Bachelor’s degree from the University of California at Berkeley, Kelly traveled as a foreign scholar. It was then that she decided to enter the medical field to help make changes in what she saw as a sub-optimal nutrition education for patients suffering from chronic illnesses that were largely preventable through changes in lifestyle habits. She realized that most physicians, including her own father, were not trained in nutrition like Dr. Helen PS. As such, the absence of nutritional education in these physicians handicapped their ability to optimally guide their patients in proper nutrition for health.
Along with her business partner, Florence (also a Lifestyle Awareness Mentor with Dr. Helen PS), she launched a local consultancy in New York offering plant-based seminars to multiple sectors in her community. Some of her seminars are provided to her oral ambulance corps, where she also volunteers as a first responder.
Kelly began her vegan journey almost 12 years ago. She is a member of the American College of Lifestyle Medicine as well as The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine. Her primary job, however, is to be mother to four children and wife to one husband.
Kelly loves to sing, grow organic vegetables and cook Indian food for her Indian husband. She also loves to teach about the virtues of a plant-based existence for optimal health.
We are proud for Kelly to be a part of this amazing team of professionals at Pain 2 Wellness Healthcare.
103 Spenryn Dr.
Madison Alabama
(256) 325-5700
Copyright Pain 2 Wellness Healthcare, All rights reserved.